佳慕连锁:欧盟 27 国商标获批,开启全球合作新征程

2024-12-21 15:21


Camon Chain, Global Cooperation.


在品牌发展的璀璨征程中,佳慕连锁荣耀迎来了一个具有里程碑意义的重大时刻——成功申请欧盟 27 国的商标!这一成绩,不仅是佳慕连锁品牌实力的彰显,更是迈向国际化舞台的坚实一步,为全球美业市场注入了一股强劲的“佳慕力量”。

In the splendid journey of brand development, Camon Chain has gloriously reached a milestone moment - successfully applying for trademarks in 27 EU countries! This extraordinary achievement is not only an outstanding manifestation of the brand strength of Camon Chain but also a solid step towards the international stage, injecting a powerful "Camon force" into the global beauty market.



欧盟,作为全球经济与商业的核心区域之一,拥有着高度发达的美业消费市场和严苛的品牌准入标准。佳慕连锁能够在这片竞争激烈的商业高地成功斩获 27 国商标,无疑是对其品牌理念、产品品质、创新能力以及企业管理等多方面综合实力的高度认可。这一殊荣标志着佳慕连锁的品牌影响力已跨越国界,在国际市场上赢得了广泛的尊重与信赖,为其进一步拓展海外业务、实现全球化战略布局奠定了坚实而稳固的基础。

The European Union, as one of the core regions of the global economy and commerce, has a highly developed beauty consumption market and strict brand access standards. Camon Chain's successful acquisition of trademarks in 27 countries in this highly competitive business highland is undoubtedly a high recognition of its brand concept, product quality, innovation ability, and enterprise management. This honor indicates that the brand influence of Jiamu Chain has crossed national borders and won extensive respect and trust in the international market, laying a solid and stable foundation for its further expansion of overseas business and the realization of a global strategic layout.


Now, standing at this brandnew historical starting point, Camon Chain, with a sincere and enthusiastic heart for openness and cooperation, sincerely extends a warm invitation to ambitious people from all over the world. If you possess rich industry resources or have a strong intention for cooperation, Camon Chain will be your ideal partner. We are willing to jointly discuss the details of trademark licensing and embark on a mutually beneficial and glorious business cooperation journey together.







In the vast field of trademark licensing cooperation, Camon Chain will rely on its profound brand heritage, mature product system, and professional market operation experience to provide partners with comprehensive and multi-level support and guarantees. Whether in product research and development, manufacturing, marketing, brand promotion, or channel expansion, Camon Chain will closely cooperate with partners, give full play to their respective advantages, realize resource sharing and complementary advantages, jointly create beauty products and services with strong market competitiveness, and meet the increasingly diverse and personalized beauty needs of consumers in different regions.

对于合作伙伴而言,借助佳慕连锁欧盟 27 国商标的强大影响力,将能够迅速提升自身品牌形象与市场知名度,轻松突破国际市场准入门槛,获取更广阔的市场空间和更丰厚的商业利润。同时,在与佳慕连锁的合作过程中,还将有机会深入学习和借鉴其先进的品牌管理理念与运营模式,不断提升自身企业的核心竞争力,实现可持续发展的长远目标。

For partners, by leveraging the powerful influence of Camon Chain's trademarks in 27 EU countries, they will be able to rapidly enhance their own brand image and market awareness, easily break through the entry threshold of the international market, obtain broader market space and more lucrative business profits. At the same time, in the process of cooperating with Jiamu Chain, there will also be an opportunity to deeply learn and draw on its advanced brand management concept and operation mode, continuously improve the core competitiveness of their own enterprises, and achieve the long-term goal of sustainable development.



如果您渴望在美业的国际舞台上一展身手,如果您对佳慕连锁的商标授权合作机会充满期待,请不要犹豫,及时与我们取得联系。我们将竭诚为您服务,与您共同探讨合作细节,量身定制专属的合作方案,共同开启一段充满无限可能的商业传奇之旅。佳慕连锁,以欧盟 27 国商标为羽翼,以开放合作为桥梁,正展翅高飞,迈向全球美业市场的浩瀚星辰大海。让我们携手共进,在这美丽的事业中,共同书写属于我们的辉煌篇章!

If you are eager to show your talents on the international stage of the beauty industry and are full of expectations for the trademark licensing cooperation opportunity of Camon Chain, then don't hesitate to get in touch with us immediately. We will wholeheartedly serve you, jointly discuss cooperation details, and customize exclusive cooperation plans, jointly opening a business legend journey full of infinite possibilities. Jiamu Chain, with the trademarks in 27 EU countries as wings and open cooperation as a bridge, is spreading its wings and flying high towards the vast starry sea of the global beauty market. Let's join hands and jointly write a glorious chapter belonging to us in this beautiful cause!

